
...And then I saw the map, and that changed everything.

So I noted some of the big points of interest here. Not the millions of personal course corrections and intimate details my journal is pumped full of. These are traveler's notes to myself for when I'm away from my journal and my vibe is all dehydrated: for when I need a reminder of what I'm really all about: which is not keeping the little cogs turning that eventually delivers food into my mouth. But this.

Any visitor is welcome to poke around and borrow whatever is useful. Try it on; if it looks good in a three way mirror, toss me a karma coin and take it home and have fun with it. Fun, I said. If you want to get serious, go get your own metaphor. This one is mine.

And one more thing. When I address you in this blog, I probably don't mean YOU. It's just a handy writing device, because if I wrote to 'me'... well, that would just sound crazy.