Chiropractic for the soul

The more I learn about chakras -- and I'm learning more daily, and nightly and in my wildest dreams -- the more they seem to correspond to what my chiropractor claims is the essential purpose of his work. Namely, making adjustments to realign energy, to get the flow back on.

I'm going about discovering my own truth about chakras the way I have the meaning of Tarot or the interpretation of dreams: I dip lightly into the general knowledge, just enough to get the lay of the land, and then I go exploring on my own. Without guide books -- but oh, with Guides.

Using the word guides with an 's', is new for me. I was pretty cranky with the assertion that I should or probably did have many. My one companion seemed pretty alright by me. I saw no benefit in having a spiritual house party. And then one more slipped in, and that was amazingly great, but that was enough, already.

So it was to my chagrin that with each new reveal of the user-manual for each new chakra, they've manifested for me as guides. And it turns out to be a really handy metaphor, because I can relate to them and discuss what's what.

And as I practice daily meditation, instead of just 'counting backwards from 10' to get in that tethered state, I now first glide up my spine, visit each chakra, and where anything feels amiss, the chakra guide comes forward, in a kind of laying on of hands, or chiropractic adjustment of the soul, if you will, and fusses over me, and gives me a nice chakra massage, which really is the most pleasant way to get a lecture about how you should be doing things differently.

 I wish my chiropractor would read this.