It's one of those energy things. See, every contact you have with other beings, is an energy exchange: Every exchange you have, have had or will have, is an exchange of energy. I know I said it twice, but get that before we move on. These exchanges move along pathways or channels or tendrils or rivers or magnetic fields or however you want to visualize it.
I see it as flowing tendrils of colored light attached at both ends.
You life's purpose has impact on the world, on others, that reaches into the future. Even if your purpose is only (Only!) merely (Merely!) to raise a child, your actions have bound yourself to countless others and has triggered events and consequences forever into the future. All of these are energy conduits through which the energy of your actions are flowing, radiating like a star.
But they flow both ways, see? Just ask Nicola Tesla.
The flip side of that is garbage in, garbage out, so hook your best intentions into your actions and get on your positive mojo-making. Feed your passions, then stand under the spigot and turn it on when you need to. That good stuff is there, flowing back. It will sustain you.