God's Firewall

It is not your job to annihilate your mind. Your mind with all its abhorrent thoughts is not your enemy. Your mind is a tool for creation in the physical realm. The purpose of your mind is to produce options for you to accept or reject.

Having an idea you must reject is not a failure, it is how the process works.

The mind presents you an option which arises from the course you are on. If it is not what you want, appreciate it has arisen because you are now alerted to the fact that you have given it sufficient attention to be on the cusp of creation.

This is important information, because now you may choose to accept it, or you may release it and clear it before it manifests. If it does not serve you, if it is not what you want, let it go, and act as if it never was.  Do not try to 'resist' it. Just accept it has arisen and dismiss it. To resist it, fight it, dispair over it, hate it, struggle with it, is to resonate with it, and therefor attract/create/manifest it.

Awareness of what you do not want is not a failure. It is the process working perfectly. Release it back to the devine, into the realm of the unmanifested. Do not give it your attention again, unless it arises in your consciousness again, which is an indication that another aspect of it also needs releasing, least you create it unconsciously.

Be aware of your mind and what it is thinking. Think actively and consciously.

If it arises 1000 times, release it 1000 times. A thought arising is not a problem. Accepting that it is there is not a problem. Accepting that it has arisen is the opposite of resisting that it has risen. Accepting what is, keeps you in a state of non-resistance, which is the 'unattached' creative state of NOW.

Let it come and go, do not make judgments about it (which takes you out of the NOW and attaches you to the dead past) and do not fear it (which takes you into an imagined unwanted future, which is also is outside the NOW.)

NOW is the only place creation happens.

Giving 'what you do not want' your full attention and holding it in your thoughts and rehearsing it in your mind, and acting on it will bring it into form. Learn to discern the difference.

Just thank your mind for pointing it out. Deal with it and move on.

You are a creator. Your purpose here is to learn how to be a conscious creator instead of an unconscious one. This is the task of life.

The illusion of separation from God arises from identifying with your own created persona rather than with your true nature, which is God the Creator.

Your persona is your avatar, it is how you interface with the material/manifested world, and it is also a kind of firewall.

It is a buffer between your unconscious intentions and your conscious creations.

If not for your physical body (your avatar), you would blow up the world with your unconscious creations!

Our avatar is our 'governor', it receives most of our attention, and so suffers most of our unconscious creation. But our avatar is also our greatest teacher: through it we learn the discipline to create with consciousness. As we develop enough consciousness to create without being distracted by our avatar, then we become mature enough to do so.

I believe this is enlightenment and also the beginning of miracles.