Dance puppet, dance.

When I was very young, nothing frustrated me more than to listen to the big people talk about things I didn't understand. In fact, sometimes I had spells of horror, worrying that they might be discussing something about me -- consequential things -- like my imagined terminal disease which would do me in before the month was over, or like how all the adults were preparing for the end of the world but out of kindness was keeping that knowledge from children like me. Or worst of all, that Jesus was coming and everybody but me was in a state of grace and ... you get the picture.

As I got older, it still irked me when people had discussions about anything I didn't know about: No longer life and death, but mundanities like the name of Led Zephlin's drummer (presuming he had one) or that episode of Sienfield. Not that I ever gave rat's ass about those things. Still, I had a residue anxiety about not knowing.

Of course you can't be in the know about everything. You have to be selective. I selected what I thought were the important things. Inspired muchly by Lazarous Long's warning that "Specialization is for Insects" -- I studied on how to deliver babies. How to raise vegetables. How to survive a nuclear attack -- a distant one, at least. Fortunately I've only had to do one of those (so far).

But what I'm getting at is, it has been a lifelong drive and deep intention of mine to be in the know.

You could say it is my underlying lifelong intention.

I still don't know or care who Led Zephlin's drummer is. But there is so much that is important that I will pursue to the ends of the earth... universe... inner source... until I get it. Meditation is the fast lane in that pursuit. Yet strangely, it seems I must write down insights immediately or they flit away. (Huzzah for journals and blogs.) Then I must deliberately practice it or I forget that it was ever important to me and I find myself sleepwalking again wondering where all the goosebumps went and why I had them in the first place.

Practice. Practice. Practice. Right? Gotta be intentional and deliberate and mindful. Mind Full. Gotta keep the strings moving or the puppet just hangs there.