The giant hamster ball of infinite possibility.

The idea of creating the reality you want is daunting, unless you can accept the idea that the reality you want already exists. This is easiest from the perspective of infinite possibility. (Suddenly I'm channeling Douglas Addams. I wish.)

Imagine that infinite realties exist. It all IS. A good way to visualize this is on the interior of a ball. (If you want to entertain your imagination, toy with the idea that space is curved...)

On the interior of this ball is every possible reality, existing as points on the inside surface. Anything you can imagine is somewhere as a position point in space and time. Now see yourself. you are also standing inside this sphere. You are where you are right now (at least, your current local awareness fixed on this one spot at the moment). This is your reality point. And somewhere else is your desired potential point: the reality in which what you desire is also already existing RIGHT NOW.

From your position in the ball you can take a step in any direction. If you were in a giant hamster ball, no matter which direction you stepped in, you would still be balanced on your own feet. You'd be pulling the ball underneath you. In that way, it is you who is fixed, it is the infinite possibilities which move toward, around or away from you according to your intentions and the action you take to move. What lands under your "feet" is what you experience as 'the next thing". This location is in fact a new reality. One of a dizzying number of possible points you could have arrived at with only one step.

Yeah, each step, each decision and act takes you somewhere, but don't become paralyzed with fear. No matter where you end up, all possibilities still ARE. You may have missed the mark, but if that is the case, aim for it again.

Some desired destinations are very close and the next 'thing to do' is obvious. Do that, and you are there. For example. Feel that pressure in your bladder? The next step to relief is pretty clear. You wouldn't first drink another pint of beer, would you? No?

You had that choice. In fact, in some reality point your source-consciousness has played with just that scenario... and learned a valuable lesson. That learning is available to you now. Use it. Go there in your head. Explore that idea for as long as you need to, if you need to, and then reach your decision: First door on the right.

Do you see the destination in your head? Can you imagine the outcome? Do you have a clear expectation on how it will go? The relief you will enjoy? Now, stand up, and start walking towards the bathroom. There might be furniture in the way, you may need to knock on the door when you get there and wait a bit if it's occupied - those little obstacles don't change your desired outcome whatsoever, and there was no reason to give up and despair. You just altered your course slightly, but overall your objective remained crystalized.

If you can do that, you can do anything. The process to reach any destination exactly the same.

If you think this is a dumb example because it's so ordinary, because it's something you do without thinking several times a day and it requires no effort at all... may I remind you that it took you a couple of years to do it reliably? That at one point in your life it wasn't even in your consciousness that there might be a different outcome possible which didn't involve getting wet, uncomfortable, and smelly? That there was a course of action you would someday preform without second thought? Which would become so ingrained and so habitual that the consequences of not doing it becomes practically unthinkable?

On the flip-side. becoming incontinent again is one of the most dreaded disorders a person can deal with.

Still think it's a dumb example? Let's all pause for a moment and exercise a little gratitude for the ability to master skills which enable us to reach our desired outcome. Peeing when and where you want to should be near the top of the list.

So, how do you figure out where your desired outcome is? Your internal compass is your intuition. Your intuition will vibrate with excitement when you are facing 'true north'. Get oriented to your intuition and then you can begin visualizing your desired destination: That reality that is out there somewhere. When you are facing your destiny, the goals jell right before your eyes. When you are going the right way, all other directions feel dead or wrong or boring or aggravating or frightening or numbing to you.

Then your next task is to just 'do the next thing' by taking the next step. It might be a long path between you and your destination, or it might be shorter than you'd dare to believe. Either way, and even if the path is obscure, there is a HERE and there is a THERE and you can break the trail between them as long as you keep going in the right direction.

Whether the bathroom is down the hall or down the street, keep going! Remember, you don't have to create the bathroom. You don't have to manifest it. You don't have to re-arrange atoms and hurl incantations and affirmations at the universe. It already exists. You just have to go where it is.

Forget Schroedinger's Cat: Get groovy with the Giant Hamster Ball of Infinite Possibility. A little thing I like to call the Autoverse.

But hey, that doesn't (necessarily) mean you exist only to populate my hamster ball. Naw. You are in your own ball, pal. We bump into each other here and there. That's all. At those times we tend to agree. But only tend to.

Ever compare notes with somebody?