I woke up with that word on my lips and I don't take things like that lightly, as learning to follow your intuition takes a lot of dogged practice. I probably even mean 'dogged' literally, and, in fact, using that word here is probably an example of a polytrace. Here's where I am so far, sussing it out in meditation.
Trace can be a sign, and it can be a pathway and it can be a copy. Slippery little word, that. Poly, of course is multi-whatever.
In my previous metaphor, I spoke of tuning your compass on your intuition. I'm coming to believe that Polytraces are another way to do that: It's the spore of your 'bliss'. You know, that thing Joseph Campbell told us to follow? But where is the little devil? Using your lightheartedness as a dousing rod is fine as long as you are light hearted.
But there is a lot of roll-up-your-sleeves grunt-and-carry moments when you are working on developing your intuition, inner vision, etc. etc. And that work, even if you are in flow, can still be work. Following your bliss isn't always skipping through the daises.
I think that's where Polytraces (polytracing?) comes in.
Here's what I'm thinking:
Have you ever seen a tracking dog work a trail? Fascinating stuff. I have a German Shepherd, actually, and she's a natural so I did a little research to learn more about the process and this is what I found:
When a dog is tracking, she is following traces of scent which linger: But not necessarily where the track was laid down, but where the wind and temperature carry it. The scent is carried on 'skin rafts' which are the microscopic dander you and I are shedding like a cloud all the time. These rafts drift behind you like smoke follows a moving smoke-bomb. They also are prone to fan out a bit, so the dog zig-zags to one edge of the cone of drifting scent to the other, and tries to stay as deep in the middle of it as possible, and moving towards it as well, because the closer you get the more concentrated the cloud becomes. It's her job to notice these and keep working the trail until she gets to her destination.
That metaphor is pretty clear to anyone developing their intuition.
I also like to visualize that science-fiction-ie special effect often used in movies where someone is moving so fast... or slow... that the arcs of color stream out behind them like a chem-trail behind a jet.
Okay. That's my definition. If any other of you intuitive Googlers wake up wondering what the heck it means, maybe you'll find this. Leave me a comment, eh?